Thursday, May 26, 2011

Aromatic Milk Poached Chicken with Pumpkin and Potatoes

This recipe was a coincidence.  I made a pot of pumpkin soup the day before, hence I left with half a butternut pumpkin and some potatoes.  Instead of having some left over soup I was to make the typical roast chicken thighs and mash.  But I want something more moist, filling and not feel stodgy really.  So here is what I came out with.  Get some good bread rolls to soak up all those wonderful gravy-soup towards the end of your meal - pure delight!

1 kg chicken thigh
500g or 2 large potatoes
500g or ½ butternut pumpkin
500 ml milk
200 ml water
2 sprigs fresh sage
Small bunch of thyme

  1. Wash and peel potatoes and butternut pumpkin.  Cut them into similar size.  Then cook them first either by boiling or by the microwave oven. 
  2. Remove excess fats off the chicken thigh without removing the skin.
  3. Combine milk and water in a deep pot then submerge the sage and thyme in the liquid and bring to simmer.
  4. Gentle place chicken thighs in simmer liquid, making sure the thighs are fully submerged.  Using a smaller plate placed it into the pot will keep the thighs submerged fully.  When the liquid start to simmer, remove pot from stove at once.  Leave pot untouched for 1 hour.
  5. After an hour, remove the thighs then placed in the potatoes and pumpkin in the pot.  Heat the liquid to a light simmer for 20 minutes.  Placed the chicken thighs back into the pot and simmer for further 10 minutes.  Add salt to taste.
  6. Plate up and serve. 
Functions and Benefits:
  1. Chicken – Warms the Middle Burner; assist Yang.
  2. Potatoes – Tones the Middle Burner.
  3. Pumpkin – Tones the Middle Burner; dries dampness in Middle Burner.
  4. Milk – Lubricates the intestines; produces fluids; benefits the Lung and Stomach.
  5. Sage – Warming and Aromatic; promotes Qi to moves Blood.  Benefits the Heart.
  6. Thyme – Warming and Aromatic; promotes Qi to moves Blood.  Benefits the Lungs.
 Precautions and Contraindications:
  1. Not recommended to anyone with severe phlegm obstruction to the Upper Jiao or Middle Burner.
  2. Anyone with Stomach-Fire, Damp-Heat in the Middle Burner and Lower Burner should avoid
If you have any doubt or want to know more about this recipe, contact your TCM practitioner or myself.

Thank you for reading.

Kenny Law
Australia Registered TCM Practitioner.
Information given are purely for references and it is not intent to diagnose medical conditions or to be used for self-diagnosed. Always consult medical health personnel for proper medical diagnosis.

Sharing and/or reproduction of any part of this document is prohibited without written consent

For further reading, I recommend the following reading material

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